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icon_widget_image Monday - Saturday 9:00 - 17:00, Sunday - CLOSED icon_widget_image 97 Distomou Str , 104 43 Athens icon_widget_image +30 2102525202 icon_widget_image

ACCREDITED LABORATORY OF STRUCTURAL ASSESSMENT & PROTECTION The company Domo+LysisLAB is an accredited laboratory by the Hellenic Accreditation System (E.SY.D.), conducting technical tests and analyses on civil engineering projects in compliance with the requirements of the ISO 17025:2017 standard for Testing and Calibration Laboratories. WELCOME! LABORATORY TESTS AND QUALITY CONTROL Technical Investigations on issues related to structural integrity, particularly focusing on pathology, corrosion, material aging, and the deterioration of structures WELCOME! ACCREDITED LABORATORY BY THE HELLENIC ACCREDITATION SYSTEM (E.SY.D.) Accredited according to the ELOT EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard – Member of HellasLab – Quality Management System certified to the ISO 9001:2015 WELCOME ! main-home-rev-slider-img-02 τεχνικές δοκιμές και αναλύσεις σε έργα πολιτικού μηχανικού ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΑΚΕΣ ΔΟΚΙΜΕΣ-οΠΛΙΣΜΕΝΟΥ ΣΚΥΡΟΔΕΜΑΤΟΣ- ΦΕΡΟΥΣΑΣ ΤΟΙΧΟΠΟΙΙΑΣ- ΥΓΡΟΜΟΝΩΣΕΙΣ- ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΙΚΑ ΔΑΠΕΔΑ τεχνικές δοκιμές και αναλύσεις σε έργα πολιτικού μηχανικού ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ ΠΟΙΟΤΗΤΑΣ ΕΠΕΜΒΑΣΕΙΣ ΕΠΙΣΚΕΥΗΣ & ΕΝΙΣΧΥΣΗΣ-ΣΚΥΡΟΔΕΜΑΤΟΣ- ΔΟΜΙΚΗΣ ΑΚΕΡΑΙΟΤΗΤΑΣ ΣΚΥΡΟΔΕΜΑΤΟΣ ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ ΠΟΙΟΤΗΤΑΣ- ΔΙΕΡΕΥΝΗΣΗ ΑΣΤΟΧΙΩΝ- ΠΥΡΟΠΛΗΚΤΑ- ΕΠΙΘΕΩΡΗΣΕΙΣ ΒΑΦΩΝ & ΕΠΙΣΤΡΩΣΕΩΝ ΕΠΙΘΕΩΡΗΣΕΙΣ ΒΑΦΩΝ & ΕΠΙΣΤΡΩΣΕΩΝ- ΕΚΦΟΡΤΙΣΗ ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΣΤΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΦΟΡΤΙΩΝ- ΚΑΘΟΔΙΚΗ ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑ Ω.Σ.


laboratory testing
Reinforced Concrete - Masonry - Paints/Coatings - Waterproofing - Industrial Flooring                                                                                                                 
Quality control
Concrete Repair & Strengthening Interventions - Concrete Structural Integrity - Failure Investigation - Fire-Damaged Structures - Paint & Coating Inspections - Electrostatic Discharge - Cathodic Protection of Reinforced Concrete

Accredited Laboratory of Structural Assessment

The company «Dοmo+LysisLAB – Laboratory of Structural – Assessment and Protection» is an accredited laboratory by the National Accreditation System (E.SY.D) which operates exploratory work of structural assessment as well as special studies and techniques for the protection of constructions, in the field of civil engineering according to ISO 17025:2017 Testing and Calibration Laboratories.

It is the laboratory solution in construction as it is active both in carrying out exploratory work of structural documentation and in the preparation of specialized technical analysis for the protection of the structures.

The modern equipment  that allocates in collaboration with the experienced staff makes it able to undertake research work on issues related to the structural integrity of constructions and in particular with pathology, corrosion, degradation and ageing of the materials. The company specialize as a technical consultant for projects in the fields of energy, industry infrastructure, as well as special projects for restoration and protection of monumental constructions.

The long-term involvement and the proper implementation of projects related either with structural investigations with non – destructive testing, or special studies and assessments, combined and supported with the technical expertise of personnel in cutting-edge technologies are the first steps forward to ensure the provision of high-quality services at complex technical projects of particular requirements and specifications. 

The company’s international presence in project with high demands requirements confirms its potential, while suggesting both the recognition and the prospect of evolution.


Certified & Accredited

The laboratory is accredited according to the standard ΕΛΟΤ EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017, "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories."

Recent projects


